Outstanding Success. Our Customers and Their Achievements.

Behind each seller lies a unique story. From medium-sized companies to established brands and manufacturers, our customers showcase what successful e-commerce looks like in practice.

Get inspired and discover how PlentyONE can support businesses like yours – with flexibility, scalability, and a growth-driven approach.

  • 55.000

    PlentyONE users –
    and growing every day

  • 9,8 Bn.

    PlentyONE customers generated GMV through our platform in 2023

  • 116 Mio.

    orders processed in 2023 – that’s more than 3 orders per second!

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Innovative Companies Choose PlentyONE

Your customers trust you with every order – and over 55,000 users trust us every day.
PlentyONE empowers ambitious businesses to unlock their full potential in global e-commerce.
Our mission: We navigate them safely and strategically into the future. With our All-in-One E-Commerce Software, we equip online retailers, brands, and manufacturers – from SMBs to enterprises – with everything they need to focus entirely on what they enjoy most: their business.

Inspiring Success Stories:

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One of Germany's fastest-growing D2C furniture businesses is leading the way. With the help of PlentyONE, they are successfully selling on the largest online platforms.

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Lucky Bike

With 35 locations across Germany and nine-figure revenue, Lucky Bike is a market leader. A significant portion of their sales now comes from online commerce. Powered by PlentyONE, their detailed product information enhances their commitment to delivering excellent customer service.


Deuba XXL

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, PlentyONE has enabled the diverse retail company from Merzig to operate more sales channels, offer a wider product range, and reach even more customers.


MT Melsungen

This handball Bundesliga club has been a successful PlentyONE seller for years. Thanks to our solution, the club took its merch sales to the next level.

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Josef Seibel

Shoemaker tradition meets digitalisation. This success story showcases how a shoe manufacturer embraced digitalisation and entered the direct-to-consumer market.


Wacken Open-Air

The world’s most famous metal festival rocks its extensive merchandise business globally and year-round with PlentyONE, including an integration for ticket sales.

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"Since we at mokebo work remotely and operate entirely cloud- and browser-based, it is essential for us that our e-commerce ERP is a SaaS product that can be accessed from anywhere and on any operating system. Another must-have is the extensive marketplace integrations with deeply integrated inventory management features. Thanks to PlentyONE, we can successfully bring our vision to life."




Discover How You Can Celebrate Success
with PlentyONE, too!

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